Upcoming mixes displays 2018
The Sunshine platoon has fenced daises for several mixed displays and handcraft shows in 2018 where we will be flaunting alongside our family company Corex Honeycomb. Making new custom jointures and meeting with our being guests is of great significance to us and we look forward to ascertaining about any systems where you're considering using aluminum composite sandwich panels at the below displays Engineering Accoutrements Live 2018 – Imperial War Museum, Duxford, Cambridgeshire Sunshine is pleased to advertise that we will be flaunting at Engineering Accoutrements Live. Taking location at the Imperial War Museum in Duxford on 20th September 2018, Engineering Accoutrements Live provides attendees with a compleat occasion to meet with some of the most educated and conversant marshaling suppliers in the engineering assiduity. The exposition aims to catch the requirements of engineering professionals who are assigned with sourcing and defining pl...